Saturday, January 12, 2013

HW420 Unit 2 Introduction

One thing that I didn't specifically mention in the about me section of the blog is that I love to write, but you may have figured that by the fact that I have several blogs listed. I have a total of five blogs and each one reflects a different aspect of my personality. I created this blog for my intellectual writing, so rather than create another blog for my HW420 class, I asked the professor for permission to use this one. I have a blog which I use to review movies that I like and talk about places that I have been:

I like to cook and experiment with recipes and the blog that I created for that is:

Another one of my interests is crafting especially knitting, crocheting and jewelry making and the blog that I created for that is:

I also have a blog that reflects my interest in Health and Wellness at: 

As you can imagine, it is hard keeping up with all these blogs, so if you check them out you will see that postings have been kind of sporadic.  I have a lot of writing to do for school, so that makes it hard too. 

The assignment also asked us to write a reflective statement and one that is the motto for my life is: "Life is a journey to discovery".  My blogs reflect this because as I stated before each one reflects a different aspect of my personality.  If I had to sum up my personality, I would say that all in all, I am very creative and I like to think outside the box.


  1. Wow June how do you keep up with all of those blog sites? I am having a hard time just learning how to blog but eventually I will understand it. Well hopefully

  2. As I said, it is rather sporadic!

  3. Hi June,

    This is great and I'm really impressed! If you only knew what a challenge I had in creating this one blog. I love to cook and write as well so I'm going to have to visit your other blogs and check you out. I'm sure that I'll come across great tips. Looking forward!

  4. Please do and I hope that you learn something from them. When I complete my degree, I am going to focus more on my blog and try to become a Health and Wellness writer. I have found a couple of places where you can bid on writing jobs, but I do not have the time to pursue this at this time.

  5. FYI, Iris I recently updated my cooking and craft blogs to show what I have been doing lately.
